Christian Book for Teen Girls
It's never too early to start making good decisions. This journal will teach you the how to know Jesus, how to love people well, and why God's design for family makes life better.
A few minutes a day will open up new opportunities to grow in faith and get you moving towards the future you want.
Marriage & Family
Establish Your Connection: Misrepresentation or misuse of scripture has led many women to refuse biblical concepts like submission and allowing the man to be the spiritual leader of the marriage. It is important to ask Holy Spirit to build your desire for a godly husband, who is also trying to follow Jesus. A man who loves Jesus will be empowered to love you well.
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Day 1: Journal Pg. 43
Commentary: Barnes' Notes says that Jesus was calling the religious leaders attention back to the original design for marriage. That in marriage husband and wife should bind themselves more strongly than they did to their parents. Their unity should be in feeling, interest, and affection.
Thought: According to what Jesus shared in Matthew 19, God's design for marriage was one man and one woman. Polygamy was not part of God's design. Divorce was permitted in certain circumstances, like adultery or abuse.
Question: Why do you think God designed husbands and wives to think and act as one?
What challenges do you think couples face with being unified as one person?
How could it benefit a marriage?
What role do you think God needs to play in a united marriage?
Day 2: Journal Pg. 44
Thought: Men surrender under the authority of Christ before they can be trusted to have authority over a wife. While women are equal to men and free through Christ, God intends for a healthy marriage to have an order. Christ was equal to God, yet he never used it to his advantage (Philippians 2:6). Women are equal to husbands, yet by design fall under their husband's covering.
Question: Put into your own words how things flow from God to Christ, then Christ to husbands, and husbands to wives.
How can it disrupt things or cause problems if a husband isn't surrendered to God?
How should Biblical marriage be approached to protect the safety of both men and women? What role does love and respect play?
Reflection: Talk to God about what concerns you or bothers you about submitting to a husband.
Ask Holy Spirit what he has to say about your concerns.
Day 3: Journal Pg. 45
Thought: This verse reveals the value of an excellent wife. Another word that is used instead of excellent is virtuous, which implies power and capacity for good. It takes time and practice to develop character and excellence.
Question: Why could it be difficult to find a virtuous wife today?
When is the best time to start developing your character?
What potential problems could couples face, if a young woman lives a rebellious life up until the day she gets married, but then tries to be virtuous?
Day 4: Journal Pg. 46
Thought: These verses shows that a wife can be a free thinker and business woman. Within a marriage she can show intelligence and strength to carry out God's plans. Just like Christ was under God's authority, yet showed strength to bring about salvation by obeying God's will.
Question: How does a a women buying a field, planting and managing show God's plans for women?
Day 5: Journal Pg. 47
Thought: According to the Bible marriage should bring blessing and favor into a person's life. Sexual intimacy is designed to create deep relationship and connection. Society has gotten a very negative view on marriage. Many view having sex with one person as negative thing.
Question: What is another perspective that someone could have about marriage?
Question: How can a person's view on marriage shape the kind of marriage they have?
Question: What affect do you think hook-up culture has on marriages?
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22 ESV
Day 6: Journal Pg. 48
Thought: Submission only works when a man has deep love for his wife like Christ had for the church. Christ had a sacrificial love that did only the will of God. Selfish motive or lack of surrender to God will pervert submission and cause harm.
Question: Why do believe women have negative feelings about words like submission and a man being the head of his wife?
Question: What qualities are important to look for when you are dating?
How can you approach a Biblical relationship safely?
What role could mentors or older couples play in developing a healthy relationship?
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