Christian Book for Teen Girls
It's never too early to start making good decisions. This journal will teach you the how to know Jesus, how to love people well, and why God's design for family makes life better.
A few minutes a day will open up new opportunities to grow in faith and get you moving towards the future you want.
Marriage & Family
Establish Your Connection: From the beginning, marriage was God's design for family. Ask Holy Spirit to prepare your heart and mind to understand why he designed the marriage covenant and for sexual intimacy to happen in the protection of marriage. Let Holy Spirit help you see anything you believe that would get in the way of this part of your study.
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Day 1: Journal Pgs. 35-37
Question: Why should people know that marriage was created by God from the beginning?
Thought: Some say that God put marriage in place to protect mankind. In the marriage design couples are said to be inseparably united, the unions is meant to be so close it's as if they are one person.
Question: Why do you think oneness is important in marriage?
Question: How is sex outside of marriage different than sex inside the marriage covenant.
Day 2: Journal Pg. 38
Thought: God knew that Adam needed a counterpart to live in harmony with and in order to reproduce. To live the fullest life, humans were made for community.
Question: What is the best case scenario for marriage?
What is the worst case scenario for marriage?
How do you see this playing out in your future?
Day 3: Journal Pg. 39
Commentary: Ellicott's Commentary says that they were in a state of perfect chlildlike innocence. They didn't know good or evil. Temptation prepares the way for sin, in order to steal their innocence. (
Thought: They felt no shame because they had not sinned yet, so they had no understanding or awareness of shame. Shame is related to guilt, which they didn't have because of their purity and innocence.
Question: Based on Genesis 2:24-25, are sex and nakedness among husband and wife sinful or part of God's design?
Question: How does it make you feel to know the enemy targets people's innocence?
How can childhood exposure of sex or brokenness in marriage lead to wrong conclusions about both?
Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. (Genesis 2:25 NIV)
Day 4: Journal Pg. 40
Question: Where do you see young people fall for this type of lie in today's world? The temptation to try something dangerous because it could be exciting?
Thought: Satan knew that sin separates people from God. If you notice he targeted Eve, when she was alone and near something tempting. Today Satan still makes divine law sound unreasonable or impossible. For example, the thought of waiting until marriage to have sex makes many people angry or causes them to list why it is unreasonable.
Question: Who or what has been your most influential teacher related to sex?
Write out your thoughts and beliefs about sex.
Explain your view on waiting to have sex until your married.
Day 5: Journal Pg. 41
Question: What role do you think innocence plays in the happiness of childhood?
Can you explain simple ways children lose their innocence? Example: Getting bullied or struggling to learn.
Question: How does being exposed to sex or sexual things too early disrupt the innocence of a child?
In what ways do you think God could help a person heal a person's heart who has exposed themselves to sexual sin?
Take a few minutes. Ask Holy Spirit to help you feel God's grace and love. Ask him to show you anything you need to surrender.
Day 6: Journal Pg. 42
Definition: Marriage- the state of being united as spouses in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. (
Definition: Cohabit- to live together as or as if a married couple (
Question: Compare how marriage and cohabitation are similar. Then contrast how they are different.
Question: What are the challenges in marriage that could lead a couple to cohabitate instead of getting married?
In your opinion, why do you believe such a high number of marriages end in divorce?
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