Christian Book for Teen Girls
It's never too early to start making good decisions. This journal will teach you the how to know Jesus, how to love people well, and why God's design for family makes life better.
A few minutes a day will open up new opportunities to grow in faith and get you moving towards the future you want.
Learn to Love People Well
Establish Your Connection: Learning to love people well positions us to be in healthy relationship. Ask Holy Spirit to help you to recognize areas where you can grow and connect with joy in your relationships with other people.
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Day 1: Journal Pg. 20-23
Question: How's your heart? When you deal with your friends, do you lash out or get irritated easily?
Question: Why do you think people put so much emphasis on appearance, while God puts emphasis on what people have in their hearts?
Day 2: Journal Pg. 24
Commentary: Ellicott's Commentary says that this verse reveals an eternal law of divine order. Repentance is a condition of being forgiven. The person who doesn't forgive is incompatible with being repentant for their own sins. (
Thought: Biblically speaking showing love and having a pure heart requires forgiving people. Refusing to forgive is a form of control that is a flesh response.
Reflection: Ask Holy Spirit to bring to mind someone you need to forgive.
Take time to share why you are struggling to forgive.
Ask Holy Spirit to reveal how unforgiveness is affecting you.
Picture the situation as a bubble that holds the experience, the feelings, the person, and all the things that come with it. Hand it over to Jesus.
Ask Jesus what he has in exchange. Thank him. Then tell him you forgive the person.
Day 3: Journal Pg. 25
Definition: Restoration-a bringing back to a former position or condition (
Question: When someone restores a house, what does that mean?
What condition is the house usually in before it's restore?
Question: If we live with anger and fighting, are we truly surrendering to the will of God?
Why do you think a heart that is full or anger, unforgiveness, and strife affects your relationship with God?
Reflection: Draw picture of a heart that needs renovation. What do you think it's full of? What does it look like?
What areas of your heart need to be restored?
Day 4: Journal Pg. 26
Thought: Christians are to be distinguished by the way that they love people. Instead of self-seeking, we are called to have a deep attachment, endurance in relationship, and an ability to forgive each other.
Question: If Holy Spirit lives inside of Christians, how should that allow us to love others and ourselves better than anyone else?
When we don't follow this command, how does it disrupt our relationship with God and the people around us?
Call to Fellowship
Intro: Journal Pg. 27
Thought: People haven't changed much since Bible times. They were skipping church. Some reasons could've been fear of what others thought, no interest, the feeling that there was no need to gather, or possibly even conflict.
Question: Why is gathering together a problem sometimes?
How does it benefit Christians to gather?
What are the benefits to going to church?
Can you think of examples of when you enjoyed a Church activity or going to church? Describe what made it a good experience for you.
Day 5: Journal Pg. 28
Definition: Like-Minded-having a like disposition or purpose : of the same mind or habit of thought. (Merriam-Webster)
Questions: Compare how people in church would behave if they were being like-minded, showing love, and being of one mind. Versus people who were not like-minded, loving, and of one mind.
Question: In your opinion do you think the Christian duties in the verse come easily to people or is it hard for them?
Question: How do you think it disrupts a church's impact when there is fighting and conflict in a church?
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