Christian Book for Teen Girls
It's never too early to start making good decisions. This journal will teach you the how to know Jesus, how to love people well, and why God's design for family makes life better.
A few minutes a day will open up new opportunities to grow in faith and get you moving towards the future you want.
How to Know Jesus
Establish Your Connection: Turn on some worship music and take a few moments to connect with the presence of God. Picture Jesus coming into the room and sitting next to you. What do you need from him? A hug. A kind word?
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Day 1: Journal Pg. 12
Thought: We are called to walk in the light, which happens when we keep his commands. When we rebel against his commands or we don't keep them, we are not walking in the light.
Reflection: Draw a picture of a yellow road representing the path of light. Then draw choices that could be outside of the path of light.
We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. (1 John 2:3 NIV)
Day 2: Journal Pg. 13
Definition: Anxiety= mentally distressing concern or interest
Thought: Anxiety can be a form of control or pride. Submit your worry to God. Then trust him to take care of you.
Reflection: Make a list of things that you worry or stress about. Then surrender each one to God.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7 NIV)
Day 3: Journal Pg. 14
Thought: God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power. This is what made him so powerful.
Definition: Anoint=to choose by or as if by divine election. (Merriam-Webster)
It can also mean to be set apart, empowered, or protected for divine use. It is meant to empower people to accomplish God's work.
Question: How are people able to carry out their calling by the anointing of God?
Question: Who or what do you naturally feel drawn to? How could God use you to benefit that thing or person?
Day 4: Journal Pg. 15
Clarification: The Word refers to Jesus in this verse.
Thought: Jesus didn't come to brag about how good or powerful he was. He came to offer people a way to break free of sin by entering into his righteousness by believing in him with our hearts.
Question: Why should people know that Jesus became flesh and dwelt among the people?
How would the world benefit differently from him being on Earth for 33 years, versus momentarily appearing to individuals?
Day 5: Journal Pg. 16
Definition: Unrighteous=sinful or wicked, not righteous. (Merriam Webster)
Thought: Imagine someone you made cookies. They added a few drops of diarrhea to the batter. Even a few small drops changes the batter. Jesus doesn't have any unrighteousness in him.
Question: How does even a little sin affect our lives?
Question: Why do you think Jesus gave us the example of doing everything for God's glory?
Thinking about television. How does it affect people when they become celebrities?
When is it acceptable for believers to do things for their own recognition?
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