Together We Can Change the World
We all want our world to be a better place. It's possible, if each person serves others in love.
Simple Ideas to Show You Care
Send an encouraging message
Buy the person's favorite candy bar & attach a note saying "You're Awesome"
Rake A Lawn or Shovel Snow
Babysit for Free
Share extra things you have in your room
Give Compliments that are sincere
Volunteer to help
Visit an elderly shut in
Bake cookies & drop them off
Offer to Clean
Draw a picture
Write a poem
Walk your neighbor/friend's dog
Carry in the mail or packages
Invite someone to church
What You Care About Is A Clue to How You Were Designed to Help!
The next time you have the thought...someone should do something about this problem.
Ask God if it's supposed to be you.
My Testimony: Back in 2009, several girls were pregnant in our local High School. I felt like someone should do something to help. Then I realized that it was me. I asked the school if they would let me come in once a week to mentor the pregnant teens. Within no time, we were meeting once a week.
I think I enjoyed it as much as the girls did.
The High Way Journal Idea: Blank Journal Pages (In the Back)
Make a list of simple things you can do to show people you care.
If you do one of these things, write the date next to it when you do it.
Share your ideas with others to get your friends involved.
Write about the ways you helped people know you care about them.
Still Need A High Way Journal?
The High Way Journal talks about Who is God, What's His Kingdom Like, & What It Means to Be His Child. Learn How to Take the High Way.