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S3 E1. You Didn't Choose Jesus Even Though Jesus Loves You

Jesus Loves You & Is Always Willing to Show You

But You're Not Into It

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Just A Girl Who Loves Jesus

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This Post Helps You Complete Week 1

Jesus Loved You First

One of the greatest truths of faith is the understanding that Jesus loved us first (1 John 4:19).

It's easy to ignore his unconditional love that can transform your life. His love is so pure and powerful, yet something about it gives you the ick.

Do you struggle to love yourself?

I know I did.

How could he possibly love you like people say?

What if I told you that as you learn to love your creator, you will be able to love yourself.

Story Time: Lost Sheep

Have your ever heard the parable of the lost sheep told in Luke 15:1-7?

Luke, the author, shares that tax collectors and sinners gathered around to hear Jesus. The Jewish leaders (Pharisees) and Jewish teachers complained that Jesus was hanging around sinners.

This led Jesus to tell the story about leaving the 99 sheep to go after the 1 lost sheep. He paints the picture of the joy of finding the lost sheep and carrying it home, announcing to everyone that he found it when he gets home.

He then explains, "in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

Jesus sees things so differently than we do. He recognizes that compassion and love are the very thing that we need to pull us out of being lost.

We either get harsh and depressed without his love.

This parable seems to warn that you have a major problem when you think you are better than someone.

Cory Asbury's song Reckless Love portrays Jesus leaving the 99 to pursue the 1.


Help to Complete Week 1

Daily Mental Health Minute: You Are Loved. (Pg. 68)

Make a note about how you showed or felt loved.

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The Shift to a Higher Way of Thinking

  1. Jesus Pursued You, But You Didn't Choose Him Back.

    1. John 15:16 "I Chose You."

    2. Ephesians 1:4 "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love"

  2. The first thing to consider is do you believe that Jesus wants a relationship with you?

  3. How has he shown up in your life?

    1. Family members talk about him.

    2. Church, Youth Group, Sunday, School.

    3. Books.

  4. Have you tried to ignore Jesus or let him down easy?

  5. Maybe you have heard that he loves you, but you felt like you just aren't interested in what he has to offer.

    1. Depending on where you heard about Jesus, you may have gotten the wrong impression.

  6. Maybe it's time to make a list about why you haven't been willing to commit to him.

  7. Look at your list. What seems to be the problem?

    1. It makes you uncomfortable.

    2. Your friends aren't into him.

    3. You think faith is boring.

  8. Did you ghost Jesus?

    1. Maybe when you were younger you said your prayers or felt excited to do church activities.

    2. Then as you got older you completely ignored him or felt annoyed when you were asked to do faith related things.

  9. Are you Ready to commit your heart to Jesus or not? (pg. 10-11)

    1. Talk to him.

    2. Share your heart.

    3. Your journal can help you.

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