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S2 E9 Mental Health Activity: Stepping into God's Presence for a Mindset Overhaul

Mental Healthy Activity

God's Presence Can Create the Mindset Overhaul You Need

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NOTE: Grab a journal or something to record what God says!

DISCLAIMER: If You Are Suicidal Call 911 and Seek Medical Help Immediately

Practicing a Higher Way of Thinking

Young Women In the Sun

In this mental health activity I am teaching you steps to help you to move in to God's presence. This isn't a magic formula. It's just an idea to try to help you.

  1. Let's take some time to practice setting our minds on things above like we are taught in Colossians 3:2.

  2. Worship and Prayer partnered together are two of the most powerful ways to have an encounter with God.

    1. "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." John 4:24

    2. According to Ellicott's Commentary God is spirit, meaning he is without a body. True worship must be spiritual.

    3. He is looking for a heart that is seeking after him, recognizing he is pure and holy. Knowing he has what we need.

  3. Listen to Open the Scroll.

    1. Be intentional about trying to connect your spirit with God.

    2. Take a few moments to relax and breath. Try to connect with his love and peace.

    3. Pay attention to little ways that you might feel him.

Transform the Mind

  1. What do you need to be set free from?

    1. Ask Holy Spirit to bring to mind things that are weighing on you or causing a spin in your life.

    2. Repentance can help you stop the sin. Is there something you need to hand over to Jesus.

  2. Pair scripture and God's presence to step into the free you need. Isaiah 61 was a prophecy about Jesus and the his mission to set us free. As you read the passage ask God to help you believe Jesus can set you free.

    Isaiah 61

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,

because the Lord has anointed me

to proclaim good news to the poor.

He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,

to proclaim freedom for the captives

and release from darkness for the prisoners,

to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor

and the day of vengeance of our God,

to comfort all who mourn,

and provide for those who grieve in Zion—

to bestow on them a crown of beauty

instead of ashes,

the oil of joy

instead of mourning,

and a garment of praise

instead of a spirit of despair.

They will be called oaks of righteousness,

a planting of the Lord

for the display of his splendor.

They will rebuild the ancient ruins

and restore the places long devastated;

they will renew the ruined cities

that have been devastated for generations.

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Arise & Shine

  1. Any encounter will deepen your character and relationship with with the Father.

  2. What is God saying to you?

  3. God what are you doing?

  4. Reflection: Does it line up with the character and nature of God?


Get Your Copy of THE HIGH WAY and watch God Change Your Thinking!

The High Way Bible Study

More About the Study:

The 8 Week Simple Teen Bible Study, The High Way, helps you discover God, understand his kingdom, what it means to be his child, and more! It encourages living, thinking, and acting in a way that lines up with God's kingdom.

The inspiration for the study comes from Isaiah 55:8-9, where God tells us his ways are higher than ours. The study invites elevated thinking to align your heart and mind to God's ways.

You learn that Jesus came to defeat Satan to free us from his darkness and reconnect us to our loving Father. As we journey, we lay the foundation for powerful faith and deep connection to Jesus. Come join us on the High Way.


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