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S2 E6. 12 Surprising Truths About God's Kingdom of Light

Find Out How God's Kingdom is Actually a Superior Reality


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This Post Will Help You Complete Week 6

Story Time:

Recently I went to a Christian event in California called "Open Heaven." Basically it was a place where believers gathered who have given their lives to serve God and believe in the tangible presence and power of God.

The whole event was powerful. The first 24 hours I cried on and off. Normally I would be embarrassed to cry among other people, but not in this setting. I knew God was healing my broken heart. I love the girls I minister to so much, it can break me when they struggle.

By the second and third day, I felt God strengthen me and open me up to insight into his heart. I got answers to struggles I have been wrestling through and plans that he laid out for the year ahead.

The most eye opening experience for me was during worship the third night. As the song started, God's presence evaporated and it was just me. I looked around to see if anyone else was having the same experience. Nope...just me.

I ask God what he was doing. He helped me understand that this is what it feels like for some people to worship. They didn't know how to step into the presence of God. I didn't like the feeling. It wasn't comforting or peaceful. It was pretty empty.

Thankfully, it didn't last long and God's presence came back. I knew I was meant to share that you are missing out, if you worship without stepping into the Lord's presence.

What is the Kingdom of Light?

Understanding God's kingdom begins with humility, those who open their hearts and minds through faith in Christ will learn the secrets of the Kingdom. Choosing to align with God's kingdom helps you step into the truth that you have been called to a higher way of living for a purpose. Let your journey transcend this world to help you live from a superior reality.

Light is used in the Bible to represent the Father, Jesus, faith in Christ, and the Scripture. An example comes from John 9:5, where Jesus refers to himself as the world's light. In the Old Testament verse Psalm 18:28 David said God turned his darkness into light.

Interestingly, John 1:5 says, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." Darkness commonly refers to sin and wickedness, which means according to this verse darkness tries to overcome light.

Salvation is God's ability to free us from the rule of the kingdom of darkness over our lives and transform us to live in the kingdom of light. Colossians 1:13 explains that we were rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the kingdom of the son, Jesus.

Characteristics of darkness- Satan is the ruler. Sin, rebellion, the curse of death, hatred, immoral, evil spirits, and hardened hearts and minds.

Characteristics of light- Christ is the ruler. Born again, holiness, moral, love, obedience, forgiveness, compassion, hope,

How it the Kingdom of Light Different?

Let's talk about the epic battle between the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness. This spiritual reality affects our human existence and is important for us to understand.

To be clear we know that God created everything, including angels. Like humans, angels have free will. We learn about Satan, the leader of the dark angels starting in Genesis 3. While he is no match for God, he can definitely cause destruction and pain to and through humanity.

Think of the darkest most hateful things that happen in this world. These reveal the true nature of those who live and rein in the dark kingdom.

The biggest lie that people believe is that by choosing to deny God or ignore him they will have the freedom to do what they want. Little do they understand that their choice is the choice to live with the one who rules darkness instead of choosing the one who is the way, the truth, & the life...Jesus.

Colossians 1:13 tells us that as believers, we have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light. We will explore how this transition affects our lives and shapes our calling.

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The Shift to a Higher Way of Thinking

  1. Not Everyone Gets It. God's kingdom can only be understood by those who have the mind of Christ.

  2. Rule Followers Beware. God is more interested in your heart than how you follow kingdom rules

  3. Societal Pressure. Conforming to Societal Pressure may help you fit in, but you will be out of bounds with God.

  4. Intimacy with God is Important. You can't learn to live in the kingdom of God unless you love him because God is love.

  5. God Wants a Relationship. That means that God wants to partner with you.

  6. Things Have to Change in Your Life. While going to church and knowing Bible verses are great, letting go of the old you who ran after sin will be the only way you can see what God is doing.

  7. God is in control of his Kingdom, but he doesn't want to control you. Even when it comes to daily decisions, it is your responsibility to choose God's ways.

  8. God will protect you when you choose to stay in bounds.

  9. It can be confusing what your role is in God's kingdom. Some followers of Christ admit that they are confused when it comes to their role in the kingdom. It takes time to understand

  10. Education is Needed. Some didn't give their undivided attention in Youth Group because they didn't know that not everyone gets into Heaven when they die.

  11. Anxiety and Depression Have No Power. That is they have no place in the kingdom of God. They only have as much power in your life, as you give them. This may seem intimidating if you battle them. But know that it can get a lot better.

  12. Talk to God...He is Listening. If you know anything about the people in the Bible, you know that they had dynamic relationships with God. The greatest influence as to whether you hear from his is whether you believe you can and you try.

Week 6 The Kingdom of Light

Teen Bible Study

Short Cut to Fill in Your Daily Verses

Look for the small page number on each picture. Some pages have multiple verses

Write the verse on your journal page.

Helpful Things:


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