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How to Recognize God's Voice
Establish Your Connection: Before you study try putting your phone on do not disturb and finding a quiet place to connect with God. Grab a few things that help you feel relaxed and some paper. Once you're settled share with God your heart's desire.
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Day 1: Journal Pg. 37
Question: How do you think you would be affected if you not only saw an angel, but he touched you and gave you food?
Context: At Horeb the Lord and Elijah had a conversation. 1 Kings 19: 11-13 says, "And he said, “Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper....there came a voice to him and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?"
Question: What can these verses teach up about God's voice?
Day 2: Journal Pg. 38
Commentary: Matthew Henry's Commentary explains, "Those who would learn the things of God, and be assured of them, must know the Holy Scriptures, for they are the Divine revelation." (
Divine Revelation Definition: "God’s makes himself known as Lord through divine revelation, which is given to all people through creation and human nature and to specific people through events, inspired human words recorded as Scripture, and Jesus Christ himself." (Gospel Coalition)
Question: According the definition of Divine Revelation, what other ways can God reveal himself to the world?
Thought: Scripture is inspired by God. The original text implies that God's word was breathed out by God himself. The intention of scripture is to instruct God's people in truth.
Question: Can you give an example of how God's Word (the Bible) is different than your textbooks at school? Or a novel that you read?
Day 3: Journal Pg. 39
Ellicott's Commentary: (In my name) means the Holy Spirit is a representative for Jesus who will teach the disciples things and help them remember what Jesus said. (
Thought: Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity, who is also referred to as the Spirit of Truth, an Advocate, & Helper. John 14:26 is as true for us as it is the disciples.
Question: How does it benefit you to connect with Holy Spirit when you are studying scripture or trying to understand hard circumstances in your life?
Thought: Holy Spirit is able to bring things to mind and then teach you what it means or help you understand what the Father has to say about it.
Question: Are there painful memories that you need to deal with? Ask Holy Spirit what he would like to work on, which means he will bring a memory to mind. Then ask him what he has to say about it and look into scripture to find verses to back up what you hear. Record the process.
Day 4: Journal Pg. 40
Matthew Henry's Commentary: For those who want to receive comfort from the Lord, they must call upon him. Promises like Jeremiahs 33:3 are meant to encourage you to go to prayer. (
Thought: God is telling us that when we talk to him he will answer. Then if we listen he will tell us secret things and things we can't understand on our own.
Reflection: Write about your prayer life. Do you talk to God like a person or do you approach him with a list things and walk away?
Question: If you applied this verse to your own life, what should happen as you talk to God and get answers from him?
Day 5: Journal Pg. 41
Question: From your viewpoint, describe a situation you need to open the door and invite Jesus in to?
Question: If Christ dwells in your heart and the Holy Spirit lives in you, in what ways should that help you compared to someone who doesn't belong to Jesus?
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Option 1: No Helps
Option 2: Helps
I tend to hear God’s voice like a thought it my head. Or a picture in my mind. How does it work for you?