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My Way or The High Way: Week 11 Journal Ideas

Jesus is Real. So many believers go through life never recognizing all the ways he's working for our good. Let me teach you how to see the world from a higher perspective, so you can see God everywhere.

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Recognizing the Spiritual Battle

Establish Your Connection: Close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by light of Christ. Ask Holy Spirit to help you believe that there is a spiritual battle between light and darkness that affects your life. Ask for the faith and belief that through Christ you have the power to overcome anything.

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Intro: Journal Pg. 66

  • Read Ephesians 6:10-18

  • List the pieces of armor and what they are for.

Day 1: Journal Pg. 67

Day 2: Journal Pg. 68

Day 3: Journal Pg. 69

Day 4: Journal Pg. 70

Day 5: Journal Pg. 71

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