Podcast for For Young Women +16
I grew up going to a little red Lutheran Church, in small town Iowa. As a teen, I was strong-willed an a little bit rebellious. Basically, I didn't want anyone to tell me what to do.
I started having powerful God moments, not so much at church, but in my bedroom, when I was struggling. I would feel God there and talk to him about the things I wanted for my life.
I remember telling God that I didn't care about money. I just wanted a strong family. I loved the idea of having a large extended family to celebrate holidays and to hang out with. My family is small, so I never had those big holidays with kids everywhere. I really wanted that.
Around the age of 15, my Pastor told me he thought I had the calling for ministry. I blew it off. I didn't even like going to church. There was no way I was going to be a Pastor. Yuck.
I started dating my husband Kent, in 1995, at the age of 17. I didn't plan on marrying him back then. We just had a blast together.
In college I joined a sorority and partied through the weekends. I got married to Kent in 2000 and started my career as an Elementary teacher. I had a masters degree in Educational Administration by 24. Natalie was born in 2002. Then Colin in 2005.
From December of 2006 to June of 2007, Kent and I last 4 grandparents, his dad to cancer, and I had a miscarriage the day before his dad died. I got pregnant again and started to miscarry on June 28, 2007.
In the emergency room, I screamed at God in prayer. I couldn't take any more. I told him if he took the baby I was going all in on my career. If I kept it, I would know he had different plans for me.
In the dark ultra sound room, I cried, expecting the worst. As the ultra sound tech, slid the wand around my belly, my heart clenched when she found the baby's heart beat.
I laid in bed from June 28th to November 30th. Each day I would look in the mirror and tell myself. "I will not give up." The doctors warned me that it was unlikely that the baby would make it.
Through those months I would pray for God to get me through today. When a panic attack would hit, I would cry out to God. His tangible presence would come into the room, washing peace over me. It's hard to put into words how tangible and real God was through those months. It changed my whole life.
Jacqueline Faith Kirstein was born on November 30, 2007. The tangible God moments didn't stop there. The perinatologist had his own God story about how God led him to the hospital instead of going home from the airport, so that he arrived just when Jacqueline was ready to come out.
I had an epidural headache after she was born. They did a blood patch in my spine, but it didn't stick. Late in the night, I cried to God that I couldn't take one more thing. A light filled my eyes and God's presence came over me. My epidural headache was healed and never came back.
In 2008, Kelly received a vision for her ministry. It took until 2010 for her to understand what it meant.
In 2010, at an event called Women of Faith, Kelly knew God wanted her to start a group for middle school girls.
Today, Kelly loves to help young women build a solid life in Jesus Christ through local and online ministry.
I'm so glad you're here. I hope that this video helps you to understand me and Chicks Ministry a little bit better.
What Led Me to Do A Podcast
I really believe God called me to work with young women because I get the rebels and the strong-willed girls. When they mess up, I don't think bad of them. God gives me eyes to see how great they are.
Honestly, I want to bust up the preconceived notion that faith is boring or lame.
To build the picture. Today as I was entering the Chicks Office Building, I noticed a Sparrow dangling from a tree by her leg. She was struggling to get free, but all her efforts were useless. I ran inside and got a ladder and a pair of scissors. With a couple little snips, she was free. She just need a little help.
That moment felt like a picture of what God has called me to do for young women. He has given me to tools to help set you free form the things that have you tangled up and feeling hopeless. Let me tell you, it works time and again I have seen young women get free through partnership with Christ.
God has given me a heart and passion to help young women live their best life. I love to talk through things and help you make choices that fit who you are and build a strong belief that Jesus is there with you every step of the way in life.
Along the way so many people have supported me and helped me step into better understanding of who I am. I want to be one of those people that does the same for others.
Release Schedule.
New episodes will come out once a week, so subscribe on your favorite podcast platform so you are notified when an episode becomes available.
In our upcoming episodes we will start out by talking about dating and how to handle the different aspects that come with including a special person in your life.
As we go along, we will have young women that I know and love share their stories. I will take time to answer some Listener questions. And I will recommend music, movies, books and more that will help you develop dynamic faith and a Christian Lifestyle.
Each episode will pair with a blog post that will include scripture references, for those who want to know where they can find things in scripture.
Download the Chicks Ministry App or go to Chicksministry.org to find the blog posts.
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