Want to avoid being used?
Spend time with guys who want to get to know you.
Rather than guys who want to use you like an object.
When a guy shows interest, make it clear you have no intention of having sex with him.
If he sticks around to talk, then he might be worth your time. If he leaves, you avoided a user.
How do make it clear you don’t want to be his next hook up???
Flirt...but beware of drawing his attention through suggestive actions, pics, or clothing.
These lead him to think about the act of sex, instead of you.
If he asks to go off somewhere alone, suggest finding a spot among other people.
Being alone can lead to decisions you regret later.
If he tries to touch or kiss you, be blunt. Tell him you don’t operate that way. If he just wants entertainment...you are not the girl for him.
God. I really want a guy that loves me and wants to get to know me. Help me to recognize when he is pursuing me to have sex. I want your plans Lord. Lead me away from guys who are not part of your plan. Reveal their true hear through their words and actions. I know your plans will lead to an amazing marriage someday. I love you, Lord. In Your Son's Name, Amen.
Additional Posts Building A Friendship, Waiting On Intimacy