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Dating Isn't a Game

Written By: Haylee Fishburn Age 15

"In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5 NIV

Dating. I'm a teenager too, and I fully get wanting to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. The thought of being in love is just wonderful.

But, as Christian girls and guys, we need to keep our hearts in check while considering who to date. God intended for us to marry one person.

Dating isn't a game to play or to be cool.

It's to find the person God has specifically designed for us.


When we are thinking about dating a person, we should ask ourselves:

1. Is the other person's intentions with God purposeful?

2. Do they have a personal strong relationship with Christ?

If they do, that's awesome.


But let me tell you from my experience that if the other person isn't purposeful with Christ they ARE NOT going to be purposeful with you. It might seem like it at first, but if your significant other doesn't love Christ over you, they aren't going to be dating you for the right reasons. Both boys and girls need to think about that.


Ask yourselves:

1. Does the person who I want to date show that they love God over everything else?

2. And are they going to love God over everything else when we date?

If you answer NO to either of these, it's not a relationship you want to be in.

Be purposeful and love God more than anything on this Earth. Wait for God's timing in your life and don't rush into relationships just because all of your friends have one. Save your heart for that one special person God has in store for you.


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