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Chicks Ministry: How it all began in 2010

In February 2010, I was the Des Moines Women of Faith, when the the Revolve Tour Promotion played on the screen. The M.C. made an announcement asking youth leaders to attend an informational meeting about the event.

I felt a pull to go to that meeting, Something in me knew that God wanted me to take a group of girls to the Revolve Tour.

Two years prior, I had a vision of a group to help young people. Having visions wasn't normal for me, so I wrote it down, but I had no idea what to do about it. I began studying the Bible and praying for Go

d to show me what to do.

Would it be for guys and girls? How old were they supposed to be? What would they do?

During the Revolve Tour meeting I signed up for 10 tickets ($550) for the Revolve Tour. I knew it was crazy, but I needed to do something to make sure I followed through with what God was asking me to do. The tickets I committed to mean that it was time to start a group, so I had girls to take to the conference.

For the next two weeks I prayed and asked God to lay out the details. First God gave me the name CHICKS (Christ's Hands Influence Confidence, Kindness, & Self-Control). Then He had me make up a small informational sheet. I got permission from the middle school principal to have an optional lunch meeting for girls to attend and hear about CHICKS.

On a sunny day in March 2010, I waited, worrying that no one would come. I wondered, "Can God really just

call you to start a group and it happens?"

The answer was YES!

Girls began to show up one after another to hear what CHICKS was all about. They were excited about the prospect of traveling to Kansas City and curious what it would be like to be part of a Christian girls group.

Less than a year later CHICKS took a group of 20 people to the 2011 Kansas City Revolve Tour!

Chicks Ministry has grown in to so much more than a middle school group.

Wednesday Middle School Meetings

  • High School Bible Study

  • Advocating for Young Women

  • Advocating for Young Moms

  • Online Ministry (Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest)

  • Chicks Website

  • Chicks Ministry App

  • Local Impact with a variety of Community Service Groups

God continues to knock Kelly's socks off with all the ways He has blessed the ministry. Chicks moved into it's own building in 2021. It has been such a blessing to have our own space.

Obedience to God's call flowed into a huge blessing in Kelly's life...she's had the opportunity to build relationships and share the Gospel with so many amazing young women!

Keep your eyes open and the prayers coming because God has so much more in store for CHICKS!

Revolve Tour 2011.

Slideshow Pictures: 2011 Kansas City Revolve Tour


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